A 5 Minute Overview Of
11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace
About the Author
John Maxwell is a speaker and business leadership coach. He is the author of several bestsellers including Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Talent is Never Enough and Sometimes You Win — Sometimes You Learn. He has been ranked by Business Insider and Inc. magazines as the most influential leadership expert in the world. John Maxwell consults with leaders of Fortune 500 companies as well as political leaders worldwide. His consulting companies have now trained more than 6 million leaders. John Maxwell is a graduate of Ohio Christian University, Azusa Pacific University and Fuller Theological Seminary.
The Main Idea
The business environment is always changing, and in order to excel, every leader needs to make ongoing "leadershifts" — changes that positively enhance personal and organizational growth.
Specifically, there are eleven leadershifts that will help you position yourself for success in the future. Miss the boat and you stay the same as today. The future is yours to take advantage of. Enjoy.
The 11 Leadershifts
Leadershift #1 — The Focus Shift — Soloist to Conductor Great leaders used to be top producers. Tomorrow's leaders need to orchestrate groups.
Leadershift #2 — The Personal Development Shift — Goals to Growth Goals help you do better but growth lets you become better. Leaders are growth oriented.
Leadershift #3 — The Cost Shift — Perks to Price Great leaders don't think about what they can get. They're focused on what they can give.
Leadershift #4 — The Relational Shift — Pleasing people to Challenging people You cannot lead people if you need them. Great leaders challenge their teams to do better all the time.
Leadershift #5 — The Abundance Shift — Maintaining to Creating Have the mindset you want to move things forward rather than standing still. Be a creator.
Leadershift #6 — The Reproduction Shift — Ladder climbing to Ladder building Forget about ladder climbing. Help others build and ascend their own ladders. Be an equipper.
Leadershift #7 — The Communication Shift — Directing to Connecting Great leaders don't order people around. They connect, influence and help people.
Leadershift #8 — The Improvement Shift — Team uniformity to Team diversity Great leaders value diversity highly. Do everything you can to bring people into your teams who are different.
Leadershift #9 — The Influence Shift — Positional authority to Moral authority A leadership position does not give you leadership authority. You have to earn moral authority.
Leadershift #10 — The Impact Shift — Trained leaders to Transformational leaders Don't settle for being a trained leader. Become a transformational leader who inspires change.
Leadershift #11 — The Passion Shift — Career to Calling Don't look at leadership as a career. Make it your calling. Find your purpose and you'll never look back.
Summaries.Com Editor's Comments
Leadershift is the latest book by leadership guru and prolific book author John Maxwell. It’s quite an engaging and timely book, and it does succeed in making the point that in times of change, you have to do different things. Effective leaders make constant course corrections to adapt to ongoing changes in the marketplace.
My only issue was this book did sort of feel like it was blog posts reformatted and compiled in a book. In my opinion, there was a little too much repetition of some of the points made. That being said, this book is chock full of shrewd advice for leaders and there’s no question that anyone who takes this advice to heart and makes these shifts will improve as a leader. Well worth a read.
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