book covers 60 days to linkedin mastery

A 5 Minute Overview Of

60 Days to LinkedIn Mastery

The Entrepreneur, Executive, and Employee's Guide to Optimize Your Profile, Make Meaningful Connections, and Create Compelling Content...injust 15 Minutes a Day

About the Author

Josh Steimle is an entrepreneur, TEDx speaker, Fortune and Forbes columnist, and founder of Blue Method, a LinkedIn agency. He has written more than three hundred columns which were not only published in Fortune and Forbes but also in Time, INC., Mashable, Tech Crunch, and Entrepreneur magazines. He is a graduate of Brigham Young University and Brigham Young University - Idaho. In writing this book, Josh collaborated with digital marketing guru VIRGINIE CANTIN, LinkedIn coach ANDY FOOTE, digital media strategist LORRI RANDLE, certified grant writer KYLE WICKERLY, ghostwriter BEN WISE, and copywriter AARON WRIXON. Josh considers all these folks to be co-authors of the book.

The Main Idea

LinkedIn has more than 744 million users (circa September 2021) and is today the world's largest professional social network. Yet despite that, relatively few business people really ever take full advantage of it. As Gary Vaynerchuk notes, "So many are missing out on the insane opportunity on LinkedIn right now".

To make sure you don't miss out, learn to master LinkedIn. It's really not that hard. Work at it for 15-minutes a day, and in 60 days you'll be ideally positioned to find the job of your dreams, hire some star talent, or grow your business.

Mastering LinkedIn is a 3-step process:

In real life, you make meaningful connections by spending time with people, getting to know them and bond over what you have in common. On LinkedIn, you make meaningful connections by putting yourself out there so like-minded people can relate to you and engage with your future content updates.
Virginie Cantin, LinkedIn coach
If you invest a few minutes per day thinking about and implementing these sixty steps, you will be a master of LinkedIn at the end of sixty days. You'll know more than 99.99 percent of LinkedIn users and will be making connections and creating content that brings you the results you want in your professional life.
Josh Steimle

60 Day Plan

1. Optomize Profile. Day 1 — Clarify your purpose

Day 2 — Commit to being nice

Day 3 — Don't do these things

Day 4 — Find your genius zone

Day 5 — Talk to people

Day 6 — Write first person bio

Day 7 — Use a good photo

Day 8 — Use a customized URL

Day 9 — Use your banner

Day 10 — Use real experiences

Day 11 — Build a great headline

Day 12 — First three lines

Day 13 — How to say your name

Day 14 — Add proof, honors, etc.

Day 15 — Don't tell — Show

Day 16 — Volunteer and list it

Day 17 — "Other" website option

Day 18 — Add education details

Day 19 — Feature yourself

Day 20 — Add languages

Day 21 — Easy contact details

Day 22 — Use keywords astutely

Day 23 — Add 50 skills

Day 24 — 20+ recommendations

Day 25 — Capitalization, spelling

Day 26 — Turn on creator mode

2. Make Connections. Day 27 — Connect with lots

Day 28 — Connect the right way

Day 29 — Be a matcher

Day 30 — Bring your own tribe

Day 31 — Mute the clutter

Day 32 — Reach out to lurkers

Day 33 — Join groups

Day 34 — Go offline with events

Day 35 — Attract connections

3. Create Content. Day 36 — Slay the same dragon

Day 37 — Don't show ignorance

Day 38 — Don't talk politics

Day 39 — Ask more questions

Day 40 — Respond to comments

Day 41 — Tell great stories

Day 42 — Post native videos

Day 43 — Plan ahead

Day 44 — Use #hashtags

Day 45 — Collaborate

Day 46 — Use emojis

Day 47 — Issue a challenge

Day 48 — Cut the buzzwords

Day 49 — Be crystal clear

Day 50 — Avoid adverbs

Day 51 — Launch a newsletter

Day 52 — Discourage sharing

Day 53 — Stay active

Day 54 — Create a routine

Day 55 — Try LinkedIn tools

Day 56 — Watch for right signs

Day 57 — Step back and review

Day 58 — Teach others

Day 59 — Focus on what matters

Day 60 — Show some love

Key Takeaways

  1. Learn to master LinkedIn. It's not that hard. Spend 15 minutes a day, and by the end of 60 days you'll know more than 99 percent of LinkedIn users.
  2. When Josh Steimle took one of the articles he wrote and published in Fortune and republished it on Linked In, it generated ten times more comments and reader engagement. That's the power of LinkedIn, and it's available to anyone who learns how to master LinkedIn.
The power of LinkedIn isn’t the technology, it’s the people. When people give freely, it inspires others to do the same. People adopt an abundance mindset, and the cycle reinforces itself—as long as it has fuel. LinkedIn is the engine, but without us, it can’t do a thing. Let’s work together to make it the best tool we can, not only to change our professional lives, but to change the world.
Josh Steimle

Summaries.Com Editor's Comments

I've got to admit I hadn't realized LinkedIn had grown to more than 744 million users. Then when Gary Vee signals this is an "insane" opportunity right now, it makes you sit up and pay attention. I really like the approach LinkedIn agency guru and TEDx speaker Josh Steimle takes with this book. Don't try and do everything at once. Over the course of 60 days, spend 15 minutes a day learning how LinkedIn works, and getting better at using it. Optimize your profile. Make connections. Create content, and add value. Love it.

As Josh Steimle notes, if you follow this simple training program, within a couple of months you'll know more than 99 percent of LinkedIn users around the world. I like that idea. I'm always a starter for insider secrets, and love to know what's happening in the background away from the headlines. Since reading this book, I've been busy trying to figure out what my genius zone is, and how to use that to make the world a better place. It's been an interesting experience which I highly recommend you try as well.

I've always thought social media is just a waste of time for those who have nothing better to do. 60 Days to LinkedIn Mastery has changed my thinking a bit on that. You really can use LinkedIn to add value, help people, and make meaningful connections. Thanks Josh.

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