A 5 Minute Overview Of
Disrupt! Think Epic. Be Epic.
25 Successful Habits for an Extremely Disruptive World
About the Author
Bill Jensen is founder and CEO of The Jensen Group, a change management consulting firm. Mr. Jensen is an information architect and has carried out a twenty-yearresearch program titled Changing How We Work: The Search for a Simpler Way.He is the author of several books including Simplicity, Work 2.0 and Simplicity Survival Handbook. Mr. Jensen is an accomplished public speaker and is a graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology.
The Main Idea
The introduction of new technology and change are ongoing and won't be slowing down any time soon. This is absolutely the age of continuous personal and business disruption — some major, many minor but disruptions nonetheless.
So how do you excel in the face of ongoing disruptions? The key is to develop the right habits. Studies consistently show that up to 45 percent of what you do every day is driven by your personal habits. To excel today, focus on developing the right set of personal habits.
In particular, there are 25 habits which world-class performers use today:
To achieve more now and in the future, don't worry so much about the external changes which are happening in the world. Focus on the inward journey. Integrate these habits into your daily routine and you will welcome rather than fear the disruptions of the future.
Everything is figureoutable. It boils down to a pretty simple thing: Put one foot in front of the other and figure it out. We should be seeing what sucks and taking the steps to fix that. People always assume that someone else is going to take care of it, but if everyone took personal initiative, then we'd have a much more exciting, vibrant world.
The people who will succeed in this era are those who figure out how to benefit from, or take advantage of, continuous disarray, disorder and disruption. You already have much of what it takes to master successful habits in the age of personal disruption. It's time to free those qualities and skills.
25 Successful Habits for an Extremely Disruptive World
1. The Do's — 14 habits for doing great work in a disruptive world.
2. The Don'ts — 4 habits for enjoying the ride.
3. Guiding Principles — 7 habits for saving the world and having a great life.
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