A 5 Minute Overview Of
Sell More With a Right-Brain Marketing Strategy
Learn How a Simple Change to Your Product Name and Sales Pitch Can Multiply Your Income
About the Author
James Bond is not a fictional MI5 spy. He is one of America's leading behavioral management and business marketing specialists. He ran one of Southern California's leading behavioral management firms for thirteen years, working with clients like Amgen Biotech, Gannett Media, Litton Industries, and British GE. He also previously ran an ad agency in Canada. James I. Bond is a graduate of Concordia University.
The Main Idea
To amplify the stickiness of your marketing strategies and vehicles, use "BRAIN GLUE". This is a right-brain marketing approach, which has been used successfully by some of the world's leading behavioral gurus, marketers, attorneys, and politicians.
BRAIN GLUE is generated by slight and subtle changes in the way you market your product or service, and can lead to dramatic increases in the number and quality of people who say YES to your products and ideas. If you want to persuade and influence more people, increase the amount of BRAIN GLUE you're generating.
Our brains are already programmed to recognize specific phrases and patterns. So, anchoring our product or idea to something already ‘stuck' inside our listener's brain will also trigger an additional part of their brain — the same region where images are processed, and decisions are made. BRAIN GLUE simplifies your ability to sell and persuade just about anyone by amplifying your message so it 'sticks in your listener's brain like glue.' BRAIN GLUE makes your listener DESIRE and then REMEMBER what you are selling by triggering the brain's emotion centers, where decision-making happens. So, even if they don't immediately say yes, it implants your message into their memory, so it's remembered when they are finally ready to buy or take action. Because persuasion is one of the most essential skills you will ever use, learning and understanding how BRAIN GLUE works could be one of the most valuable skills you ever develop.
Sections in this Books
1. S — Set the right expectations. Always tell people right up front what to expect, and they will usually see what you tell them to see.
2. T — Tribal alignment. Telling people you're one of them is powerful. It can enhance your ability to persuade.
3. E — Ease their understanding. Simplify what's complicated. The easier you make it for people to understand, the easier it becomes to buy.
4. AM — Analogies & metaphors. The right analogy or metaphor can be a genuine game-changer. Use them for names and blurbs.
5. A — Anchor to what they know. Anchoring your offering to something people know creates cognitive bias. They are more inclined to like it.
6. T — Tone your voice. The way you speak can and does send a strong signal. Always aim to speak with "calm confidence".
7. T — Trigger oxytocin. When you make people laugh, they get the brain chemical oxytocin. Laughers are buyers.
8. R — Rhyme to persuade. People love rhymes. If you want to convince and persuade, build rhymes right into your crusade.
9. A — Alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of sounds. Funnily enough, silly sounding syllables sell.
10. C — Chiasmus is a great tool. Chiasmus is where a two-part phase is reversed in the second part. It can be highly effective.
11. T — Trigger words work. Learn how to trigger reflexive responses in your audience. It's all just a matter of the words you choose.
12. O — Odd mental surprises. The human brain always notices a odd and unexpected phrases. Use that to generate BRAIN GLUE.
13. R — Rejection attracts. Sometimes, stating clearly who should not buy your product will strengthen your pitch. Try it.
14. S — Sense elevation. Injecting one of the five senses into your explanation might make it unforgettable. It can boost receptiveness.
Key Takeaways
- To amplify the effectiveness of your marketing, look for ways to generate more Brain Glue -- links to the way your customers think.
- People always buy on emotion, and then justify with logic. Inject emotional clues into everything you say and do.
- Brain Glue is the art of transforming simple phrases into blockbusters of persuasion, that influence people to buy in the future. If you're looking for future success, always start with Brain Glue.
Summaries.Com Editor's Comments
What would it be like to have a famous name as your real name? I thought about that a lot as I was reading this week's business book, which was written by a guy with the real name of James Bond. I can imagine everyone must giggle a bit, or at least smile, whenever he introduces himself: "My name's Bond, James Bond". To differentiate himself a little, the James Bond who wrote this week's book, who happens to be one of America's leading behavioral management and business marketing specialists, goes by James I. Bond. I would, however, still laugh out loud if James I. Bond turned out to drink dry martinis, shaken not stirred, as his beverage of choice.
That being said, the essence of SELL MORE WITH A RIGHT-BRAIN MARKETING STRATEGY is you have to make your ideas sticky, or as the book puts it, you have to increase the amount of "Brain Glue" your ideas have. That may sound obvious, but what I like is James I. Bond then gives 14 real-world strategies for increasing brain glue. These range from Alliteration (PayPal, Best Buy, KitKat, Coca-Cola) to triggering oxytocin by making people laugh. You cal also align with their tribe, rhyme to persuade, or anchor to what they already know.
Making subtle changes to enhance the stickiness of your ideas sounds great. In the words of the author: "Our brains are already programmed to recognize specific phrases and patterns. So, anchoring our product or idea to something already ‘stuck’ inside our listener’s brain will also trigger an additional part of their brain – the same region where images are processed, and decisions are made. BRAIN GLUE simplifies your ability to sell and persuade just about anyone by amplifying your message so it 'sticks in your listener’s brain like glue.' Because persuasion is one of the most essential skills you will ever use, learning and understanding how BRAIN GLUE works could be one of the most valuable skills you ever develop."
Great book. Interesting ideas, even if you're not on Her Majesty's Secret Service.
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